Happy Holidays, Olympians! You’re all on the nice list this year, as we’re happy to announce that Jock Studio Demo 2 Beta Release is now available to download for FREE! You can receive your download of this Beta release at the links below:

Special Note – Please follow the instructions included in our previous post for PC and Mac. See below for instructions on Steam Version. 

If you would like to play Jock Studio Demo 2 Beta on Steam, please go to the Steam Store Page and hit ‘Join Playtest’ – you can now install the Jock Studio Demo 2 Playtest separately on your account to access on either PC or Mac!

We’ve already covered several details in our previous post last Friday, but let’s talk about the plans for the future now that we’re at this exciting release and the end of 2024!

Jock Studio Demo 2 Updates – Coming 2025

First up, as we stated in our previous post about the Alpha Test, Jock Studio Demo 2 is currently in a Beta State, meaning that we are aware of several issues in the build, and are doing our best to find and squash these! However, we could not catch all of these on our own, so we decided to let you, the fans, experience the game and give us your feedback, as well as provide us with a much wider testing group so that these issues will not be present in the final game!

With all that being said, as soon as the Holidays are over and we enter 2025, our team will be working to optimize Demo 2, resolving all of the existing and new issues, and releasing an updated version during 2025 that should be in a stable state! We will also be investigating both Linux and Android versions at this time too, so please stay tuned for more news on that in the new year!

Closing Word

That’s all for now, Olympians, but we hope that everyone enjoys this Jock Studio Demo 2 Beta release! Our team has worked extremely hard to provide this demo for everyone, and we’re so excited to hear everyone’s thoughts and feedback! If you’ve enjoyed the experience, please let us know in the comments, and if you haven’t already, please pre-order the game on either our website our Itch.io!

Additionally, if you’d like to support the project in other ways, you can leave a donation in any amount on our Itch.io page, or partake in our ongoing Holiday Sale! Thank you to everyone for your generous support!

Finally, if you have any issues you encounter, please report them on our bug-checking tool below – and please be as specific as possible, as your feedback really helps!

We’ll be back at the end of January 2025 with another Development Update, but for now, Happy Holidays to everyone, and we’ll see you all in the new year! Thank you for another wonderful year of support and love, and we can’t wait to see what we can do in 2025!

Lots of love,

~BLits Games