As of December 20, 2024, Jock Studio Demo 2 [Beta] has the following known bugs:
- Vault App Tutorial (on Day 4 intro scenes) may cause a soft lock issue on your game during subsequent playthroughs. If a soft lock occurs, please restart the game and the issue should be resolved. Be sure to save beforehand!
- Loading in the middle of the scene may cause certain scenarios to have stacking visual assets. Please restart the game.
- Using the Skip functions may affect performance of the game, as well as cause unexpected glitches during tutorials, choices and minigames and may result in locking your game. Please use with caution.
- Trying to use the buttons inside of an Oracle Phone App to switch to another Oracle App will cause the game to lock. Please do not press inter-app buttoms (Such as the Calendar Button inside of the Academia App)
- Camera Shutter may appear and block views during Photoshoot or Filming Minigames. Please restart your game to resolve this issue.
- Trying to press quick menu buttons while Oracle Phone is shaking for a tutorial may cause a soft lock.
- Quick Save currently has no confirmation for overwriting your active save.
- Saving is currently disabled post-filming minigame. This is unintentional.
- The Weights Minigame tutorial says to use the Left and Right shift keys – this is incorrect. Use the A&L keys instead.
- Gallery currently shows several items unlocked on game start. Additionally, when starting a new game or reloading gallery unlocks will be reset.
- Choice Scene interface appears overlayed on top of chat log when both are active simultaneously.
- Hunger Bar shows incorrect values and is non-functional at the moment.
- Text in the dialogue box may be cutoff incorrectly.
- Tutorials may have incomplete information and visual glitches, such as referring to sprites that do not currently appear.
- Confirmation Window for Exiting the Game or Returning to Main Menu may appear oversized.
- Time and Day symbols during the Action / Sprite Interface may appear as incorrectly colored.
- Scene Transitions may be either sudden or briefly show previous backgrounds / images when transitioning.
- Backgrounds may in some cases have incorrect crowd-art present during specific scenarios
- Sometimes during minigames, the timer will appear to jump suddenly.
- Puppet Animations may have small layering issues or missing features in some circumstances.
Unavailable Features for the Beta, scheduled for a future update in 2025.
- Shop and all other Items are currently inaccessible/unavailable outside of the Tutorial
- Music Player
- Animated Sex Scenes for Filming Scene Art
- Improvements and corrections on puppet animations.
How to avoid KNOWN BUGS and have a smoother playthrough:
- Refrain from using app shortcuts
- Use Skip button cautiously
- If your game has persistent issues, clear your data, delete your game and re-download for best results.
How to clear your data for a fresh game.
- On Windows or Steam (Windows), locate your save data in AppData/LocalLow/BLitsGames – delete the entire ‘BLitsGames’ folder to reset your data.
- On Mac or Steam (Mac), locate your save data in ~/Library/Application Support/com.BLits-Games and – delete the entire ‘com.BLits-Games’ folder to reset your data.