Happy Holidays, buddies! We’re back with a Development Update for Camp Buddy: Scoutmasters’ Season, as well as a new demo release! Please be sure and read the full post below, as it contains information for all fans of Camp Buddy!
Current Development Timeline
A month ago, we posted a development timeline to show our progress so far with Camp Buddy: Scoutmasters’ Season. We’ve updated the timeline so that we can show everyone where we are in development up until release:
Writing & Programming Departments
In the writing department, our team is currently in the process of reviewing and correcting Goro’s route for any inconsistencies or issues in the story. As each script is completed, they are turned over to our proofreading department as well, which allows us to move through the script at a steady pace!
As for the programming, so far 90% of Aiden’s route has been pre-programmed, and is currently undergoing the cue placement phase where voice and sprite cues are entered into the code. Once this phase is complete, Aiden’s route will be fully ready for beta testing!
Art Department
Our art department has been hard at work preparing the materials for the Demo Version 2.0 as well as the assets to be included in the game, including scene images, mini-images, backgrounds, and new character costumes! Here’s a teaser of some of the costumes available when you play the demo:
We’ve also remastered all of the Cameo Characters’ sprites in order to better fit into the Camp Buddy: Scoutmasters’ Season art style. Check them out in the demo as well!
We’d also like to take a brief moment to let everyone know about the artist applications that we announced during last month’s update – after careful review, we have chosen to recruit Magia for the position!
Please welcome him to the team, and check out some samples of the work he’s been doing so far below:
Thank you to everyone else who applied, and we’ll be sure to inform everyone if there are any additional openings in the future!
Minigame Development
Our programming and animation team has also been working hard on the two minigames that will be featured in Camp Buddy: Scoutmasters’ Season, and both are available to try in the new demo!
First, we have the Photo Restoration Minigame, which will take you through helping Hyunjin and Yoshinori restore a photo from Yuri’s old journal – this minigame rewards you with coins for the gallery, and if you’re able to complete it just right, a memory from the past!
We’ve also made a brand-new foreplay minigame featuring the body pillow art for Aiden and Goro for a much more interactive and immersive experience, and it can be played in the demo too! Animations brought to you by Zemyx and Ziel! Make sure and check it out~
Camp Buddy: Scoutmasters’ Season Demo 2.0!
In celebration of the holidays and as we announced in our previous development update, we’re releasing a final demo, Demo Version 2.0, for Camp Buddy: Scoutmasters’ Season today! This demo contains all of the scenes from Demo Version 1.0, as well as minigame samples and a new, exclusive scene from both Aiden and Goro’s route – just in time for the Holidays!
(Warning: Demo may contain spoilers! Please note that all previews and content in the demo may not represent the final product accurately!)
Check it out at the download links below:
PC: https://blitsdl.blitsgames.com/scoutmasterdemo/ScoutmastersSeasonDemo2-2.0-pc.zip
Mac: https://blitsdl.blitsgames.com/scoutmasterdemo/ScoutmastersSeasonDemo2-2.0-mac.zip
Thank you all for your patience with us, and we will be back with another Development Update in the new year! In the meantime, please let us know what you think about the new scenes, as we’d love to hear from you all!
Closing Note
That’s all for now, buddies! We wish everyone a happy, safe and fun Holiday season, and blessings into the New Year! There’s lots of great things in store for 2022, and we can’t wait to share them with all of you!
Happy Holidays, and see you again next year!
I’m pretty sure the game won’t be released in February 2022 (this month), as per their Nov 11, 2021 update.
It’s gonna be delayed again… :’)
The lack of updates tells you everything you need to know…
They’re not ready.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the release date is pushed until May 2022 or later ?
Not as bad as I thought ?
Imma cry brb
A new update?
I know its hard to be under pressure while simultaneously developing a game but at least an update to ease our minds are just say you gonna push it back to next month its also very mind reckoning for us because were wondering if the game is cancel, or did something happen to you guys truth camp buddy changed my life one of the best virtual experience ever!!! no pressure but yeah there a lot of pressure
Are y’all dead? There weren’t any news in a long time.
Same thats what Im saying lol
Only one week left for February, can we see the game as planned?
very good game could put an option spanish plis
They did it
Make a campbuddy scoutmaster season for phone like android ??
Yeah they should make it as soon as possible
In case you guys forgot: it’s February, sssssssso…….
literally where is it?:/
When I saw the line of “update in new year!” I thought the same lol :))
naoto’s fan is here!
I really hope there will be any part of naoto (especially with natsumi hehe
The demo is exactly fun, and expecting the update and the formal version
Naoto third route as an special issue for later would be awesome~ if not some naoto related add is welcome too
thanks for your effort all!
here is my suggestion!
in the first season, we can do the foreplay to both the roles
however it’s seemed we can just do the foreplay to aiden or goro
if we can do the same thing to yoshi, there would be excellent!
Cant Wait… Game looks Great!
I would like to suggest something. Before that, I would like to say I loved the game and for the second time I paid for some game in my life and it deserves every penny with all the hardwork so thank you for game. As I said before, Something that buggs me is that as you know some lines doesnt have dubs despite being words of charcters. at the same time in order to fill the gap, you used character voice with one word. whether it is calling name or saying “hey”. in some cases I saw those character voice is not suitable for the scene. for example, when something emotional is in topic, there are angry tones in the one word cue. so maybe use cues that suitable for the scene? Other than that I have no complain and everything is perfect.
(srry for gramatical mistakes. English is not my main language ^^)
하고 싶음
More routes pls.. and we need to top sir Goro AHAHAH
In his profile, Goro’s position is 100% top which means you don’t have any chance to top him
Is there any possibility that we can top Goro?
Not a chance
My windows platform tells me that the application will put me at risk if I run it. What does that mean?
[email protected]
What happended to Yoshinori original voice? I’d really like to have that one back again because it was way better than the current one…
It’s the same voice actor, Kiba Walker, isn’t it? But he does sound a little bit different to me as well. I can only guess kind of a personal reason. Probably was not as much enthusiastic about the job as he used to be in the original game? Who knows…
The PC demo isn’t working for me…
The only problem I had with it is that the menu page would sometimes blank out to a solid field of yellow or orange (like a color from the fire on the menu page). This would happen frequently, so I took awhile to time it right to get the cursor over one of the signpost signs to start the game. Not sure if this is just due to the age of my computer.
Once I was in the demo, I didn’t experience this problem at all (on any of the sections – fanservice, day 1, holiday party, or photo mini game).
The scenes were great. Can’t wait for the full version.
*Obligatory “Please add a Naoto route as DLC later” comment*
He could be a new scoutmaster, as Yoshinori says he will need to hire more staff.
The demo looked really good, and I have no major complaints. However, The Goro Xmas scene when Goro starts moving, I think Goro should grab Yoshi’s ass. It makes it more believable that Goro is now moving and getting into the swing of things. I know that it would be a lot of work though. Other than that, the demo was perfect! I loved Aidans scenes! I look forward to the full release!
I would like that. I feel like they should make more of Yoshi possibly with another bottom. Let’s say Hunter or Hiro. Don’t get me wrong Aiden is awesome, I would know, but-t you know it might be better 😉 pun intended.
This is really amazing. However I still need more two route even though it’s a dlc or not ex.3P or another characters.
It could be Naoto (bottom) and Darius (top, because he one has almost a third leg!).
I hope we can have a Naoto route in the future. That would be so good. Otherwise, the demo is awsome.
In Naoto’s profile, his position is 60% top, 40% bottom. It’s totally the same position as yoichi. So if there’s a route for Naoto, you can see him being bottom only once. Just like yoichi’s.
My mistake. It was 70% top, 30% bottom.
Second wrong, even if it’s a dlc or not. However why can’t I edit what I commented.
More than two route. I typed it wrong.
I guess I need to reserve some $$$ this 2022 <3
Hopefully the final version gives me a lot more control
I downloaded the demo twice for mac and it doesn’t work
it works perfectly fine for me and i use mac
Mac link is broken
Yoichi calling Hiro Torch-Head reminded me of his good ending, where he explicitly stops doing that. I know it’s just a demo, but I hope there will be some sort of backwards compatibility to how we played the first game (if the kids’ storyline even get’s acknowledged).
I just hope they don’t arbitrarily make a single route canon like the Ichiro one from Bacchikoi because that would end up being a huge middle finger to anyone who picked a different romance.
Is there French language in the game? if not, can it appear ?
El juego completo tendrá el idioma español?
Do you know how to foreplay with Aiden’s front side. The game is played only from the back.
why cannot click the gallery?
I just played the second demo and I like it so very much <3. I don’t know if they upgrade the character sprites but I feel like it’s improving since the first demo. The voices are good but personally, I think the first game characters’ voice is much more authentic and better (but hey, I think the current ones are still good and they can do what they think is better). The picture restoring mini-game is so fun, but the cherry on top is the brand new foreplay session. The angle, the pose, the visual, choices of foreplay and animation of the foreplay, more body parts to play with are so UUGGHHHH sexy and I’m loving it. But I hope they can add more body parts for the foreplay session like biceps, blowjobs, etc. But overall, thank you so so much, great work and lots of appreciation for Blits and Camp Buddy’s team. I hope you guys keep up the great job, stay healthy and safe, stay happy, and can’t wait for the finished product for February 2022 (based on the previous update). Love you all.
I really agree with this comment, everything is great and sexy so I hope it will get a lot better for the full version. One thing I like to add is, I hope Blits and the camp buddy team will include a connection to the first game with the scout’s love/couple like Keitaro&Taiga cus if I remember correctly in Taiga perfect ending session when Keitaro visit him during the offseason (which will be the scoutmasters’ season), Taiga mention Yoshinori and Goro being “loud” in Goro’s office. Also, I think Keitaro&Yoichi could be cute for either route. Or maybe a feature for carrying safe files of couples from the first game to affect their cameo in the scoutmasters’ season so there could be any connection.
I dunno, this is just my hope for the second game. But altogether, the second demo is so good and I know this is a good sign for the second game. Congrats, good luck, and thanks for all the hardwork.
anybody know how to get the minigame based off the bodypillows?
Foreplay minigame music theme is delicious! Instantly puts me on edge. LOL Just like the Opposites Attract from the original game. So hot!!! Who’s the composer? Good job!
I wish I could ‘apply an action’ to those biceps and thighs as well tho. Drives me crasy I can’t do that. I can lick Goro’s belt buckle instead. That’s a good thing. XD
Good job, good job!
Also would like to know, how many characters you’re going to make available for foreplay minigame activities?
Is there any of plans on fixing the android version? Haven’t played since the version broke down, it be cool to continue my progress without restarting
yeah I want the android version too
You have the Android version link I can’t find it
You never disappoint! Great work even during these times 🙂 I would blindly support any future games that you plan to release as well!
Thank you for the update! I can’t wait to play the full game.
Just want to say thank you for the amazing update!
Do you have plan to make android ver?
yes i been waiting for a long time btw im a huge fan
The rubbing option dosn’t work in the foreplay with Goro on his nipples. It turns into pinching and you lose points.
I love foreplay minigames! <3 <3 <3
Also your new artist recruit is amazing!
Thanks for demo update! Looks hot.
Very hot!
pc link doesnt work
The pc link is broken