Fellow Olympians, last month was a very special day for Jock Studio – our one-year Kickstarter Anniversary! To celebrate that event, we released a special One Year Update, with tons of content and information about what the team has been up to this past year, and in that update, we promised to come back today and reveal more about the upcoming Demo 2.0! But why today, specifically?
Today is also another special day for Jock Studio – the day our first-ever Kickstarter campaign concluded, marking the start of our renewed development journey! Again, we want to thank everyone who contributed, either financially or with words of support, for helping us get to where we are today!
With all that being said, let’s dive into what’s coming in Jock Studio Demo 2.0!
Jock Studio Demo 2.0 – Orientation Week!
Most who have been to college will know that, for freshman especially, an orientation week helps get them settled and understanding exactly what to expect for the next few years of their college life. Jock Studio Demo 2.0 does just that too – while Demo 1.0 focused on meeting the cast and knowing the starting points of their stories, Demo 2.0 will instead focus on many of the brand-new mechanics unlocked from the Kickstarter Campaign, transforming Jock Studio from a visual novel into a full-blown Dating Sim! Demo 2.0 will be providing players with one (1) playable week worth of gameplay, chock full of content!
And for those of you wondering, the storyline present in Demo 2.0 (and Demo 1.0) is mostly exclusive to the Demo, but some scenarios and scenes may be re-used in the full base game!
SPOILER WARNING: For those who want to experience Demo 2.0 raw, with surprises in every corner – this update may not be for you!
All that being said, let’s dive into the Demo 2.0 Contents!
Recap and Meet the Cast (Again!)
Jock Studio Demo 2.0 will start with Ace and all of the Jocks already a part of Jock Studio – while how each character joins will be revealed in the full base game, we wanted to make sure all characters are here and ready to mingle with Ace! Spend this first day planning out your week, and maybe getting a little teaser of what’s to come with each of the Jocks~
In addition to the Jocks, get your first chance to interact with a brand-new character, your handy and helpful assistant, I.O.! I.O. will be your guide for Demo 2.0, teaching you how the various mechanics and systems throughout Jock Studio work, so be sure to pay attention to his lessons!
The Oracle Device (and Apps)
Speaking of I.O., he’s not the only built-in feature of your phone to help you throughout your gameplay! Explore the various apps that are part of Ace’s Oracle Device as part of Demo 2.0, including Calendar, Academia, Health, Contacts, Vault, and Settings!
There will be more apps in the future, too, but those will be revealed and playable later, in the full base game!
Time to Get Sweaty… and Wet!
Get ready to get sweaty and start your very first workout activity! Assign workouts for all of the Jocks to build up their performance stats, and play a minigame yourself to test your physical prowess! Each workout grants a specific performance stat – and your skill in the minigame, as well as extra, bonus features, may increase your total stats gained! And for those who don’t want to play, you can also skip the entire minigame and still gain the default stat scores! You can check out a preview of the minigame below, or click here for our full Development Diary on the workout phase, released a few months ago!
After the workout, hit the showers – and you know what they say, group showers are great for teambuilding~
Unleash your Inner Explorer!
Next up, Demo 2.0 lets you fully take charge of Ace and explore the campus to your heart’s content! Wander throughout the beautifully hand-drawn locations and explore using the Campus Map System as well as the Action Interface, but be sure to carefully manager your Energy! You don’t want to accidentally end the day early!
Each location is host to different activities for Ace to participate in, and who knows who you might find at each one? Make sure to explore everywhere, or you could miss a special scene!
Not only that, but get your first taste of another Kickstarter goal, the Money and Item system! Spend some cash on some items to help you throughout your gameplay, and gain access to your inventory to use them!
Strike a Pose!
Demo 2.0 also introduces a brand-new mechanic, not yet revealed: the Photoshoot Phase! While the Workout Phase builds up your Stamina, Power and Resistance, the Photoshoot Phase is where you work on your Charm, Libido and Skill! Get behind the camera and choose your photoshoot location, as well as costumes for the characters, before snapping some sexy pics!
Your choices matter in this minigame – the stage and outfits you select determine which stats you’ll gain, and that’s not all – just like in the workout phase, your skill in the minigame, as well as extra bonus features, will determine just how many stats you receive! But don’t worry – if you aren’t a fan of minigames, you can still skip this one, just like the workout phase!
We’ll have a Development Diary going into more details about the Photoshoot Minigame later, so please stay tuned for more details! In the meantime, let’s head to what’s next!
Jocks, Camera, Action!
Now this is what you’ve all been waiting for, and the main reason the Jock Studio Club even exists – Filming Day! Join Ace as he partakes in his very first film, but who will he choose as his partner? That’s up to you!
As you can see, no matter who you choose, things are sure to get spicy on the casting couch~ The Filming Phase is where you finally get to use all of your performance stats you’ve been building up, so make sure that whatever film you choose, you get the perfect score – and don’t worry, this phase doesn’t have timers – we want everyone to be able to enjoy it as much as possible!
We’ll have a full development diary on the Filming Phase later this year as well, so please stay tuned for more information!
Closing Word
That’s a wrap for what’s inside Demo 2.0 – and please know as well that everything shown above is just scratching the surface, there’s so much content that we’re sure you’ll all be replaying it many times! Our team has been working extremely hard on Demo 2.0, and we can’t wait to release it to everyone and let everyone get their hands on all our new mechanics and features!
As mentioned in our last update, Demo 2.0 is releasing in Late 2024, so please stay tuned for more specific release info in the coming months!
That’s all for this development update, Olympians, but we want to thank everyone again for a wonderful first year since our Kickstarter launch – none of this would be possible without all of your love and support, and we hope to continue bringing you exciting news up until the game’s release!
Our team will be taking a scheduled leave during part of September 2024, and as such, our next Development Update will be at the end of September, 2024, so please stay tuned until then!
Thank you as always for your love and support, and we’ll catch you next time!
Lots of love,
Did i met a bug or i can only save once
Author: Can you try to get an Android version of 2.0 demo?My computer is all occupied, so I can’t download it at all.
You guys are geniuses. I can’t even begin to describe how great it is. Builds on everything that’s great about Camp Buddy and goes so much further!
when is it coming to mac?
So I tried the demo2.0, its not bad, but im wondering if I have a bug or if its part of the demo. when i go to do the photo shoots, the camera lens is barely open so I can only see the center of the scene. its that meant to keep it secret since its a demo or a glitch?
glitch, didnt happened to me
I want Matt!!!Love him so much, we all love strong brotherhood!!!
when will the demo2 be released?
Show us the photoshoot!!
its been a year daddy
I’m so hyped for the Demo 2.0 ….. can’t wait
Doesn’t it have to come out anymore? 😭
where is it?
Its 18:55 now in China,so where is it?👁️👄👁️
Yoooooo guys is this game release yet ?. Help I can’t wait to see Derekkk 😭😭😭😭😭😭👁️👄👁️
Omg i mean “is it out yet?” My keyboard is doing something wrong 👁️👄👁️
I wonder if we’ll get some artwork with the update
Btw will the update be on android too? Also there’s no way I’ll wait anymore TwT, btw keep up the spirit all of you I’ll wait until you guys release this game with the full version🙇🏻♂️
If i remember correctly they said there won’t be an android version of the second demo, it’s either on their twitter page or from comment replies can’t remember
huwaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭, after a long wait I have to accept reality if they don’t release on android 😢😭
If you don’t have access to a pc you can use an emulator on phone i guess, if you have good specs
Can you tell me the name of a suitable emulator app so I can download the game? 😅🙏
Joyark And Netboom
Hahahhaha, it’s so funny seeing you guys impatient 😭😭😭🙏, but the update will be released this Friday the 4th so please be patient 💆♂️. I also can’t wait to see Derek 😍😍😍😍✨💐💐💐
I hate Jet lag
Same with bryce lol
I can’t wait to see Derek and Zayne too!
It has to come now
According to the devs on X, the next dev diary will be on Friday, October 4.
So um..where is it umm..uhm..
Question: Does the end of September here mean the end of September in the Chinese lunar calendar
It’s 0:00 New York time
yall are so funny😭😭i also want the dev update but just give the devs some time they deserve a break after all of these crazy updates + they are working on the 2.0 demo and had a break so a little delay is not the end of the world
Oh my god,Y…You can send a paragraph and a picture……
It’s the end of September and still no voice 😨😨
It’s the end of September and still no sound 😨😨
it’s my birthday today! please give us an update!
Happy birthday
When is the next log huhu…
It’s the end of September, when will you update the news, I’m waiting for you.
I’m checking blitsgames.com every 5 minutes now, i think i’m gonna crash the site
When next development update?
I’m gonna hibernate until the end of september, wake up to read new development update, then go back to my hibernation until demo 2.0 comes out
Can anyone give an exact release date😭🙏
The BLits games team has many things and goals to take care of, so I’m guessing the release date of the full game is in the mids or at the end of 2025.
That was just a thought. They say that the release date depends on how much work they need to focus on.
That’s just a thought, okay? But I hope it will
been waiting for thiss. ive been checking blits news maybe everyday now lmao. release it!!
Me too Jay!
please make a translation into Portuguese I’m addicted to all Blitz’s games, they’re incredible.
I wonder if there is a Chinese language?
I wonder if there is a Chinese language?
Why the Steam demo is so short?
Cause its a demo duh
Loved the first demo! And this is exciting news for the next one coming soon! I’m wondering though when will the preorders open back up again? I missed this during Kickstarter and the later wave of preorders and I’d love a chance to preorder!
May I ask, where are the Swimming, Yoga, and Body Workout options? Are they not included in the Demo?
Awesome update! Just a suggestion, it would be great if you could add some random background moaning sounds throughout the animations because it’s a tad awkward in the instances where everything falls dead silent as the animation transitions to a different scene or in-between voice acting. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful break!
Awesome update! Just a suggestion, it would be great if you could add some random background moaning sounds throughout the animations because it’s a tad awkward in the instances where everything falls dead silent as the animation transitions to a different scene or in-between voice acting. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful break!
Awesome update! Just a suggestion, it would be great if you could add some random background moaning sounds throughout the animations because it’s a tad awkward in the instances where everything falls dead silent as the animation transitions to a different scene or in-between voice acting. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful break!
Awesome update! Just a suggestion, it would be great if you could add some random background moaning sounds throughout the animations because it’s a tad awkward in the instances where everything falls dead silent as the animation transitions to a different scene or in-between voice acting. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful break!
Awesome update! Just a suggestion, it would be great if you could add some background moaning sounds throughout the animations because it’s a tad awkward in the instances where everything falls dead silent as the animation transitions to a different scene or in-between voice acting.
Awesome update! Just a suggestion, it would be great if you could add some background moaning sounds throughout the animations because it’s a tad awkward in the instances where everything falls dead silent as the animation transitions to a different scene.
I am not seeing my comment come up and I’m worried it hasn’t lol. But in about two hours I have kind of forgotten what I wrote…