Fellow Olympians, our team has enjoyed a refreshing break and are now back, but even still, several members of our team have continued development of Jock Studio, and are ready to bring you another Development Update! Please read the full text of the update, as it contains information for all fans of BLits Games and Jock Studio!
Development Diary 10 – Lighting, Crowdart, Oracle Phone Apps and Puppet Animations!
We’re diving straight into our 10th Development Diary, featuring previews of what the team’s been up to since our Demo 2.0 Announcement in early August!
Part 1 – Background Variants
To start this update, we’re taking a look at the background department – over the past months, we’ve shown many of the different backgrounds of Olympus U come to life, with each being rendered in a beautiful, sunny day!
But the sun doesn’t always shine on Olympus U – eventually, it sets and transitions to nighttime during your adventures around the campus. With that in mind, Kyun has been hard at work making sunset and night variants for each of the backgrounds. Check out a sample of the University Center below:
You can look forward to seeing even more backgrounds with various lightings when Jock Studio Demo 2.0 releases later this year!
Part 2 –Crowd Art
Continuing with the background department, several members of our team have also been working hard to bring a new layer of life to Olympus University – background crowds! All public backgrounds have been filled with plenty of people, making the campus feel even more alive than ever before! This aspect of the project has been 3D Modeled by Micman, and the artwork has been completed by Magia, as well as a new assistant artist, AlexW! Check out a few samples made by all three of them below:
Crowd Art isn’t just for immersion, it’s also a backer reward for members of the Varsity and Bachelor Tiers! Some of you may remember the character designs for each of these backers revealed a few months back, and we’re happy to say that each of the characters has been integrated into the various different backgrounds! Check them out below:
We hope our superbackers are happy with their character’s integration into these backgrounds, and you can look forward to seeing them in Demo 2.0! In the meantime, please welcome AlexW to the team, as his role will go beyond the crowd art and into further tasks too!
Part 3 – Oracle Phone Apps
During our Demo 2.0 Content reveal, we showed a bunch of designs for the new Oracle Phone Apps present in Jock Studio, and we’re happy to report that many of these apps have already been programmed and implemented into the game by our programmer, Zais! Check them out below:
First up, the gameplay settings have been updated to be included as part of the Oracle Phone! You can easily access this menu anytime, updating your preferred volume, screen mode and more! In the game’s full release, you’ll also be able to use this menu to customize some more spicy features, such as the Body Hair Toggle and X-Ray Mode!
Next up is the Vault App, otherwise known as Ace’s inventory! This important app will help you keep track of all items on your person, from consumables, to gifts and key items! You can also check your money, view item details, and even use or discard items here! Stay tuned for more information about the Inventory & Item System, but you can get a first taste of it during Demo 2.0!
Both of these apps will be included in Demo 2.0, and will have even more expanded features in the full game! You can also look forward to more app previews in future development updates, as there’s even more to come!
Part 4 – New Puppet Animations!
As a final part of our update, we wanted to show something spicy – a few months ago, we previewed a very early teaser of our new puppet models in a solo situation, but what good is a sexy time without a friend~?
This is just one of many sexy animations worked on by Monacodingo and Zemyx, and you can already see the ‘versatility’ of this feature – just imagine the possibilities! You can look forward to more information about these animations in the future, as well as experiencing them for yourself in Demo 2.0!
Closing Word
That’s all for this update, Olympians, but we want to thank everyone for their patience with us while some of our team took a much-needed break this past month! We’ll now be spending our time focusing and working hard on Demo 2.0 – there’s still a ton of work to be done to make it the best version possible in time for release!
Our next development update will be in November 2024, so please stay tuned until then, and thank you again for all of your support and patience!
In the meantime, many BLits fans may remember that October is the BLits Anniversary Month! To celebrate, we’ll be back with another post and announcements next week, so please stay tuned!
Thank you as always for your support, Olympians! See you next week!
Lots of love,
~BLits Games
ya es
2025 cuando piensan sacarlo
not gonna lie im suprised, i didn’t knew that Derek has the biggest. Anyway im from Hungary and both Camp Buddy and Jock Studio is a very enjoyable game, both of them got interesting desings and stories which i really like. All though i don’t have the chance to play the full version of Camp Buddy, im willing to buy it in the future, and not just downloading the DEMO version. I can’t wait to do Goro’s and Aiden’s route. For Jock Studio i also can’t wait to play the game as Camp Buddy, im curious how would different characters would work out with Ace, like Bryce, would they still argue a lot? or Bryce would be still discreet? Maybe Bryce will have a soft spot for Ace? I don’t know, im so excited. Also thinking of Derek, does Ace would be still intimidated by him, or how would they start dating and start a route. I can’t wait for the results, but we only can just think of therories now. Good job for the content creators, voice actors, managers, animation creators, and everyone who takes part making this awesome game.
Hi! I am a 22 years old French boy, and I loved Camp Buddy. I would find it disappointing to restrict this new game to English speakers only, so if you guys would need help for a French translation, give me a sign!
Hi! I’m a 22 years old French boy and loved Camp Buddy. I’d find it disappointing to restrict this new game to English speakers, so if you guys would like my help for a French translation, don’t hesitate to give me a sign!
Thank you for your support!
As of this moment, there are no plans for translation for all our projects.
Hello, BLits Games Team,
I hope this message finds you well! I am a big fan of your work, and I have a question regarding the future of your games. Are there any plans to translate your games into other languages, such as Brazilian Portuguese? Additionally, I’d like to know if you have considered adjusting the regional pricing for your games. In Brazil, the cost of products tends to be extremely high when compared to the US Dollar, which can make it challenging for many players to access international titles.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Thank you for your support!
As of this moment, there are no plans for translation to any language. Our priority is to complete Jock Studio first!
Regional pricing is available for the Steam version of Scoutmaster Season! Anything we put to Steam will have regional pricing!
Isn’t it normal that Part 4 doesn’t work???
Wow, I really liked the video… It was so hot. I always thought Ace and Avan were the same size but I think not… I hope they’ll make a graph of the length and girth of Ace and the Jocks
Avan looks 1cm longer and 1cm thicker indeed, while Ace has a bit larger balls. But that doesn’t make significant difference, does it? What really matters to me is that a swimmer Avan has a built of a gymnast for a reason unknown to me. I can only guess that they didn’t want him to look the same as Ace, because Ace is the guy with a swimmer body type.
I dont care if he is swimmer shape or not, i love avan and i love how he looks like now. Is a personal taste problem,some people like it and some not.
How did you see the video I can’t
中国区什么时候可以买到SM 系列
Hahahha I see a lot of characters in the flying library section. Maybe there are 2 or 3 😭
Btw can you post a picture of Derek laughing happily in the development update later, I want to make that picture my pfp haha🙆😭, like Derek’s route ending in the previous demo,
Estará en español?
At the moment, Jock Studio is only available for English language! We will inform everyone if translation will be available in any of our projects!
Estará en español
Hey ! Will you do a collab with lovense like camp buddy Scoumaster season ? And can you do one for camp buddy ?
We are definitely considering to incorporate Lovense toys to all of our applicable projects! However, in the case of Jock Studio, we are currently prioritizing on getting all the features for Demo 2.0 ironed out! We’ll make an announcement or mention in our updates if we can confirm this collaboration for Jock Studio!
Is the game release still scheduled for Q3 2025?
Hi there! As of the date of this response, Jock Studio has NO CURRENT SET RELEASE DATE. Please refer to this post for more information: https://www.blitsgames.com/jock-studio-one-year-update/
Hey is the 2.0 demo free because I have saved money just to buy the full version I am a little worried if the 2.0 demo version is paid 😅🙏
Hey there! Demo 2.0 just like the prior demo will be FREE for everyone to try!
Huft I thought I had to pay again for the 2.0 demo but apparently not 😍, Now my money is safe to buy the full version hehe . Thank you for responding back 🙆
The puppets seem a little lacking in life… like real puppets in the end 😆 but it’s already very good work! I’d just have liked to see more natural and lively gestures, here they really look frozen by only being able to move their limbs in a limited way (even with the sports animations like the treadmill shown earlier in the updates). Courage, I know it’s complicated with 2D.
Thank you for the feedback! Unfortunately, this is the current limitation of the skills our artists have for these puppets. Our animators are doing their best to compensate by improving the actions. We are currently severely understaffed with animators for the puppets and it takes a lot of time and work – we are focusing right now on making sure animations for Demo 2.0 makes the cut and improve the quality of these animations later down the line!
If they add head movements, breathing and facial expressions it’ll look more natural imo. But they are still working on this phase and now that they are working harder, we will probably get a very satisfying update next time.
(Watching that animation preview) Please! Make their bodies less bulk, more twinkish! At least the torso. At least for some of them. They can still have muscles while being more of a leanly muscular type. You should be aware of what defines the youthful body, the body of a young man, you are drawing nudes! Yes, they are jocks, but they are young after all. That chest protrusion and pecs oversize won’t do. The torso has to be like a chunk of ice that starts melting. To be honest, don’t like the legs either. Slim waist isn’t everything. Legs must be slender and smooth, the whole body must be gracefully slim, smooth and oblong.
Some of us like buff men you know, i think leo avan and yuuto are twink enough, for more youngish characters you can always replay camp buddy
How did you see it I can’t
Ace and Leo are okay tho. At least they appear to be more fine-boned dudes. I have no clue why don’t you make Avan more of a slimmer-swimmer type?!
on way you’re this focused on your bodies just appreciate them making the game
The puppet animation is not working video not playing
Waiting for almost 2 months and THAT’S IT ?????????????
And the most important thing – the puppet animations video DOESN’T WORK 🙁
Well they said they were in a much needed brake so let’s be understanding. 😊
Thank you for your patience and appreciation of what we are able to put out here. Development updates take a lot of time and effort to prepare!
Waiting for almost 2 months and that’s it?????? And the Puppet Animations video doesnt work 🙁
Bro, this is updated development, what do you expect 😭?
This seems a little empty tbh
They’re at the “thankless” portion of the game. Background art takes a lot of work, and unfortunately people don’t appreciate it very much for what it is. But it is important and time consuming
Thank you for your understanding.
On the grand scheme of things, more than half of our team did not take a leave and continued the hard work and was still able to make a lot of progress that was featured on this update.
We appreciate that fans are patient and appreciative of what we are able to put out there. Development updates take a lot of time and effort to prepare!
Omg I’m getting impatient, Derek wait for meee 😍😍😍😍💐✨✨✨, thank you for your hard work 🙆 and keep up the spirit for you guys I really appreciate this masterpiece 💆♂️😍💞✨🙆 and derek too 💅✨💞
Thank you for your appreciation! We will make sure to give Derek lots of love!
Where is the demo????
Our target is still for a Late 2024 release with further details coming in further development updates with more specific info! Please stay tuned!
Hey when is the demo 2.0 supposed to come out?
Our target is still for a Late 2024 release with further details coming in further development updates with more specific info! Please stay tuned!
I wonder what the health app is for
wow,wait for a long time😭but it‘s valuable 🥲Expecting the next update and hope to be btter with you😚
No Launch date for the demo?
Our target is still for a Late 2024 release with further details coming in further development updates with more specific info! Please stay tuned!
Question about super backing for this game
Will the backers or soon to be super backers still keep their character cameo in full release or is this just a demo thing.
Also how do I become a super backer
Hey there!
I believe we answered you on the fan server but just in the interest for others, all super backers were a limited tier option available during the Kickstarter campaign last year, and all slots have been filled for those roles.
The background character cameos for Super Backers were part of their pledge, and they’ll be in the full game, not just the demo!